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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Here is an opportunity for you to test your knowledge of the concepts covered in Chapter 1 of your text. Take some time to complete the exam below to see how much you have learned.

For each question that follows, choose the BEST answer.


Which of the following is NOT a type of plate boundary?
C)divergent boundary
D)convergent boundary

In which scenario below would you be likely to hire a geologist to help better understand the situation?
A)A space craft uses radar to map the surface of a planet in our Solar System.
B)A volcano is erupting on a Pacific island.
C)A small community is worried about contamination of their water wells from an industrial waste site.
D)Geologists might be employed in all of these scenarios!

In which of the following is geological knowledge useful?
A)protecting the environment
B)avoiding geologic and other natural hazards
C)Supplying things we need.
D)All of these are areas where geological knowledge is useful!

What process caused the greatest number of fatalities during the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake?
A)City sewer systems failed causing epidemics of diseases like cholera and typhoid.
B)Fires erupted following the earthquake, trapping many people in burning buildings.
C)Large objects (like buildings and highway overpasses) fell on people.
D)Great chasms opened in the Earth and swallowed people whole.

What process causes the greatest number of fatalities during the earthquakes?
A)People are buried alive by great landslides and open chasms in the Earth.
B)Sanitary facilities fail, causing widespread disease.
C)Fires erupt trapping many people inside burning buildings.
D)Large objects (like buildings and highway overpasses) fall on people.

Earth's external heat engine is driven by what source of energy?
A)the Sun
C)natural gas

The most voluminous portion of the Earth is known to geologists as:
A)the lithosphere.
B)the mantle.
C)the core.
D)the crust.

The lithosphere is that portion of the Earth where rocks behave as:
C)plastic solids.
D)brittle solids.

Many divergent plate boundaries coincide with:
A)the Mid-Ocean Ridge.
B)the edges of the continents.
C)explosive volcanic eruptions.
D)transform faults.

At transform plate boundaries,
A)two plates are subducted beneath each other.
B)two plates move in opposite directions toward each other.
C)two plates move in opposite directions away from each other.
D)two plates slip horizontally past each other.

A typical rate of plate motion is:
A)1,000 kilometers per year.
B)1 kilometer per year.
C)1 - 18 centimeters per year.
D)3 - 4 centimeters per year.

Earthquakes may be caused by:
A)shifting of bedrock.
B)motion along faults in Earth's crust.
C)movement of tectonic plates.
D)all of these

The division of geology that is concerned with Earth materials, changes in the surface and interior of the Earth, and the dynamic forces that cause those changes is:
C)historical geology.
D)physical geology.

Which of the following are geologic hazards?
A)waves pounding on a coast
D)all of these are geologic hazards

Plate tectonics is:
A)the rawest of speculation.
B)a theory.
C)a conjecture.
D)an hypothesis.

Geologists are generally agreed that Earth is:
A)about 100 million years old.
B)about 4.55 billion years old.
C)about 6,000 years old.
D)as old as the hills and twice as dusty.

A subduction zone is most likely to be encountered:
A)at a translational plate boundary.
B)at a divergent plate boundary
C)at a transform plate boundary
D)at a convergent plate boundary.

Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are:
A)three types of plate boundaries.
B)three words composed of multiple syllables.
C)three words that I never heard before.
D)the three major classes of rocks.

What volcanic process or phenomenon was responsible for the greatest number of fatalities during the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in 1985?
A)lava flows
B)impacts of large rocks hurled hundreds of meters
D)pyroclastic flows

Which field of endeavor might employ a geologist?
B)environmental science
C)petroleum industry
D)All of these fields employ geologists.

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