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Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy:A Laboratory Dissection Guide
Newly and substantially revised, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide, Fourth Edition, by Kenneth Kardong and Edward Zalisko, is now available. At the end of this dissection guide, the authors include a Student Art Notebook. This notebook is a reprinted collection of the most important and commonly used dissection figures in the current edition of the laboratory manual. It addresses a frustration inherent in most dissection guides, especially when comparing homologous systems between representative animals, of having to flip between text and distantly placed illustrations. This laboratory manual weaves the functional and evolutionary concepts from the textbook, Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution into the morphological details of the laboratory exercises. Using icons, the laboratory manual identifies cross references to the textbook, so students can quickly move from the dissection guide to the textbook to consult the expanded treatment of function and evolution. Each chapter of the dissection guide first introduces the system, makes comparisons, and demonstrates common themes in the animal systems. Then the written text carefully guides students through dissections, which are richly illustrated. Anatomical terms are boldfaced and concepts italicized. The dissection guide is written so that instructors have the flexibility to tailor-make the laboratory to suit their needs.

Digital Zoology
Digital Zoology is an exciting interactive product designed to help you to make the most of your zoology classes and laboratory sessions. This program contains interactive cladograms, laboratory modules, video, interactive quizzes, hundreds of photographs, a full glossary, and much detailed information about the diversity and evolution of the animals that we find on the planet. To find out the latest news on this ever-expanding product, log on to and find out how to get your copy.

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