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Table of Contents

Consumers, 2/e

Eric Arnould, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Linda Price, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
George Zinkhan, University of Georgia

ISBN: 0072537140
Copyright year: 2004

Table of Contents

Part 1: An Overview of Consumer Behavior
   1    Overview: The World of Consumers
   2    The Global Context of Consumption
   3    Consumer Culture
   4    Consumption Meanings
Part 2: Marketing Decisions and Consumer Behavior
   5    Consumer Behaviors and Marketing Strategies
   6    Learning About Consumers
Part 3: Consumers as Interpreters
   7    Needs, Motivations and Involvements
   8    Perception: Worlds of Sensations
   9    Experience, Learning and Knowledge
   10    The Self and Selves
Part 4: Consumers in Social Context
   11    Lifestyles: Component Consumption Sub-Cultures
   12    Economic and Social Structures
   13    Household and Organization Consumer Behaviors
   14    Interpersonal Influence
Part 5: Consumer Action
   15    Consumer Attitudes, Judgments and Decisions
   16    Purchase and Alternatives to Purchase
   17    Consumer Innovation
   18    Consumer Satisfaction
   19    Recycling, Reuse and Disposal

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