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Globalization and World Regions

Global, Regional, and Local Worlds

Different and Changing Worlds

Globalization and Localization

Facets of Globalization

Facets of Localization

Global Focus: 9/11

Point-Counterpoint: Globalization

Diverse Worlds

Political Activity: Countries Act

Economic Activities: Global Trends

Cultural Activities: Major Regions, Local Voices

Environmental Issues at Varied Scales

Geography of a Diverse World

What Is Geography About?

Subject Matter

Geographic Methods

First, Geography Is About Places

Latitude and Longitude

Distance and Direction

Maps and Scale

Next, Geography Is About Explaining the Differences Among Places

Regions and Globalization

Defining Regions and Their Dynamic Features

Changes in Dynamic Regions

People Create Regions

Regions Shape People’s Activities

People Remake Regions

Regions Interact with Other Regions

Regions Are Used by Those in Power

Major World Regions

Development of World Regions

Early History

Settled Farming

City-States and Empires

Trading Empires and "Classical" Civilizations

Disruptions, Migrations, and Feudalism

The Modern, Globalizing World

Explorations and Colonies


Globalization, Countries, and Protectionism

Contemporary World RegionalOnline Learning Center

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