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Animation Quiz 1 - Construction of a Plasmid Vector
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Review the animation and answer the questions that follow to test your understanding.


In insertional inactivation
A)if foreign DNA is inserted, the beta galactosidase marker is inactivated, and the colonies remain white
B)if foreign DNA is inserted, the beta galactosidase marker is inactivated, and the colonies turn blue
C)if foreign DNA is inserted, the beta galactosidase marker is activated, and the colonies remain white
D)if foreign DNA is inserted, the beta galactosidase marker is activated, and the colonies turn blue

If host cells are ampicillin sensitive and are plated on a medium containing ampicillin
A)only cells that have not taken up the ampicillin resistant vector can grow
B)only cells that have taken up the ampicillin resistant vector can grow
C)all cells will grow
D)ampicillin is inactivated

The lac z gene marker codes for
A)b galactosidase, which splits x-gal
B)b galactosidase, which makes x-gal resistant to splitting
C)ampicillin resistance
D)white colonies

When foreign DNA and plasmid are both cut with the same restriction enzyme and mixed together, all molecules will form recombinants.

When beta galactosidase cleaves x-gal, white colonies result.

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