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Animation Quiz 4 - Specialized Transduction
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Review the animation and answer the questions that follow to test your understanding.


When the defective phage enters a new bacterial cell
A)only phage DNA integrates into the chromosome of the new host cell
B)only bacterial DNA from the previous bacterial host integrates into the chromosome of the new host cell
C)both phage DNA and bacterial DNA integrate into the chromosome of the new cell host
D)the DNA is destroyed

In the process of specialized transduction
A)all the genes of the first bacterial host are transferred to the second bacterial host by a phage
B)only a few specific genes from one bacterial cell are transferred to the second bacterial host by a phage
C)only a few specific genes from the bacteriophage are transferred to the second bacterial host by a phage
D)the phage lyses the recipient bacterium

In specialized transduction
A)any random bacterial gene can be transduced
B)only genes on a plasmid can be transduced
C)only phage genes near the site of the recipient bacteria integration site can be transduced
D)only bacterial genes near the site of integration of the phage DNA can be transduced

The lambda phage DNA always integrates into the host DNA in the same specific site.

Sometimes a piece of bacterial DNA near the specific site of insertion stays attached to the phage DNA, and a piece of phage DNA remains behind.

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