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El texto secundario: las acotaciones de escena
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There is one more element of el código comunicativo teatral left to explore: el espacio escénico. All of the other elements come together and interact under this notion. Among the critical components of el espacio escénico are the stage directions (las acotaciones escénicas o didascalia). They are what hold the play together, fasten the seams of the scenes. They are an integral part of the text, and you should give them particular importance when reading a play.

Task 1. Scan for Information. According to the authors, there are two types of stage directions. Scan the first paragraph of this section, on page 245, for answers to the following questions.

What are the two types of stage directions?
How do they manifest in and interact with the text?

Task 2. Answer and Brainstorm.

The next paragraph points out four ways in which a dramatist might use stage directions to further the purpose or theme of the play. Enter the four possibilities offered by the authors on a word wheel, and then brainstorm about other ways in which a dramatist might use stage directions.

Task 3. Make Connections.

Add the information on stage directions, where appropriate, to the graphic organizer you completed in Task 4 of Análisis del teatro.

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