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Elementos de la versificación española
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Task 1. Identify.

This section in the text begins by reiterating, on page 125, the two most important elements of versification (the study of the poetic verse). What are these elements? List them here and then state in your own words what each is.

Task 2. Scan for Information. According to the same paragraph, several other poetic elements warrant exploration. Here is a list of those elements, as well as others that you will explore in this chapter. Scan the chapter in the main text and write a brief definition of each element. You will revisit these definitions in later activities of this chapter; the goal of this activity is simply to familiarize you with the section.

la clasificación de los versos:
la sinalefa:
el verso de arte mayor:
el verso de arte menor:
la rima:
el encabalgamiento:
la estrofa:

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