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La estrofa
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Task 1. Scan for Information.

The poetic syllable is the building block of the verse, the verse is the building block of the stanza (la estrofa), and the stanza is the major structural component of the poem. Scan the first paragraph of this section on page 133 and underline the phrases that confirm the preceding statement. How is the type of stanza identified?

Task 2. Compare.

Look at the type and patterns of rhyme you established in the three poems, then compare them to the examples provided on pages 133-134 in the text. All of the patterns should be there. If not, re-examine the process you used to determine the rhyme pattern of the poems, then confer with your classmates and re-check your answers. If necessary, ask your instructor.

Task 3. Identify.

Determine the type of stanzas found in each of the three poems and write it next to the stanza.

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