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Figuras retóricas
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Task 1. Define.

In the first paragraph on page 139, the authors further define figuras retóricas. What are the two classes of rhetorical figures and how do the authors define them?
How would you explain the difference between these two classes of rhetorical figures?

Task 2. Skim and Scan for Information.

On pages 139-141, the authors expand upon the two classes of rhetorical figures you defined in Task 1. Skim these pages, paying attention to how the information is organized (terminology + examples). Then scan for the specific terminology and examples and underline them in the book or write them on another piece of paper. Circle a key word or words in the definition that will help you remember that example of a rhetorical figure.

Task 3. Complete Graphic Organizer. Using your textbook and your notes from Task 2, fill in the following two graphic organizers: one for figuras de pensamiento and one for figuras de lenguaje o de dicción. Write the specific terminology on the blank lines and note the key word(s) in the parentheses below the lines.

The graphic organizers are .pdf files; you will need the Adobe Acrobat reader to view them and print them out.


Graphic Organizers (91.0K)

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