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Chapter Outline
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Delivering the Speech
Characteristics of Good Delivery
  1. Attentiveness
  2. Immediacy
  3. Directness
  4. Conversational Quality
Types of Delivery
  1. Impromptu Speaking
  2. Speaking from a Manuscript
  3. Speaking from Memory
  4. Extemporaneous Speaking
How You Look
  1. Appearance
  2. Body Language
  3. Eye Contact
  4. Facial Expression
  5. Gestures
  6. Posture
How You Sound
  1. Volume
  2. Using a Microphone
  3. Pace
  4. Pitch and Inflection
  5. Enunciation
Using Visual Support
  1. Types of Visual Support
  2. Rules for Using Visual Support
Controlling Nervousness
Practicing Your Speech
  1. Preparing Your Speech
  2. Trying Out Your Speech
  3. Practicing Actual Delivery
Chapter Review
Questions to Review
Further Reading

Communicating EffectivelyOnline Learning Center

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