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After the rise of Christianity, the popularity of the ancient myths fell but NOT because...
A)of the pagan deities.
B)the concept of the Hero was negated by Christ as a role model.
C)of the rise of women's rights and presence in the educated classes.
D)of economic and political upheaval.
E)of the disappearance of literacy.

Who does the text site as examples of the Hero cast in a Christian model?
A)Hercules and Adonis.
B)Orpheus and Eurydice.
C)Roland and Beowulf.
D)Lancelot and King Arthur.
E)all of the above.

Christian readers justified reading pagan works such as Virgil because he foretold of a child redeeming Rome, which they felt was a reference to...
A)the pagans as their spiritual predecessors.
B)the coming of Christ.
C)the child-like rule of Pope Leo IV.
D)the justification of the Children's Crusades.
E)the coming of a state of Paradise filled with child-like wonder and innocence.

In the Inferno, Dante relies on mythological images and referents from Virgil including...
A)fairies and elves.
B)satyrs and nymphs.
C)the poet Virgil as guide.
D)the ghost of Dante's father.
E)the Emperor Augustus.

In the Courtly Love tradition, Ovid's ___________ influenced love poems by such writers as Petrarch or Dante.
A)New Life
B)Art of War
C)Art of Love
D)Courts of Gods
E)Courts of Gold

Which is NOT among the most prevalent methods in which ancient myths are transmitted?
A)Updated in language.
B)Translations into various languages.
C)Borrowing ancient themes to counterpoint contemporary issues.
D)Alliterative devices.
E)Using them as artistic emblems or symbols.

Ottavio Rinuccini, a court poet of the Medeci family, was responsible for the staging of the first opera because...
A)he was such a fan of Homer.
B)he was committed to the worship of Apollo.
C)he felt the ancients sang rather than chanted the ancient works.
D)he felt that the scandal of church disapproval would highlight his career.
E)he desired to be immortalized with the Gods.

Examples of the legacy of the ancient myths on cultural history do NOT include...
A)the various adaptations of classic themes to support historical causes.
B)an exclusively contemporary world view.
C)the interpretation of classic themes for contemporary concerns.
D)the "double view" that a classic reference adds in terms of ancient and modern.
E)a depth of meaning, bonding and transcending language, politics and culture.

To the romantic mind, the image of Icarus conveyed the...
A)realistic aim for aerial flight.
B)quest for higher knowledge.
C)promise of eternal youth.
D)image of Christ.
E)all of the above.

Icarus fell in popularity because he...
A)came to represent lascivious behavior.
B)came to believe in Christ.
C)came to represent the obsessive human-centered world.
D)represented a belief that humans are insignificant.
E)represented nobility at its most oppressive.

Prometheus conveyed the concept of _________to the Romantic Era.
A)realism in mythology
B)rebellion against oppressive authority
C)unleashed passions
D)omnipotent force
E)all of the above

The mythic image of Prometheus is tied to several historic figures, including...
B)Kublai Khan.
C)Marco Polo.
D)Duke of Wellington.
E)Marc Antony.

The mythic image of Prometheus is also linked to fictional and mythical characters, including...
A)Frankenstein's monster and the Furies.
B)Frankenstein's monster and Hecate.
C)Satan and Faust.
D)Beethoven and Mozart.
E)the philosophers of Greece and the philosophers of Italy.

The Renaissance writer might turn to Eros as...
A)service to the God of Love.
B)representative of Cupid with his arrows of desire.
C)a symbol for expressing more secular and intellectual aesthetics.
D)a poetic device for more erotic drives.
E)all of the above.

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