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Guideposts for Study
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Chapter 6: Psychosocial Development During the First Three Years
Guidepost 1: What are emotions, when do they develop, and how do babies show them?
Guidepost 2: How do infants show temperamental differences, and how enduring are those differences?
Guidepost 3: What roles do mothers and fathers play in early personality development?
Guidepost 4: How do infants gain trust in their world and form attachments?
Guidepost 5: How do infants and caregivers "read" each other's nonverbal signals, and what happens when communication breaks down?
Guidepost 6: When and how do the self and the self-concept arise?
Guidepost 7: How do toddlers develop autonomy and standards for socially acceptable behavior?
Guidepost 8: How do infants and toddlers interact with siblings and other children?
Guidepost 9: How do parental employment and early child care affect infants' and toddlers' development?

Papalia: Human Development 9Online Learning Center

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