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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The story about Isabel Allende illustrates
A)that experiences from age three to age six solidify a person's characteristics as an adult.
B)the important role culture plays in a child's development.
C)that worldwide, girls are treated more unfairly than boys.
D)how experiences play a stronger role than heredity in developing personality.

Which of the following statements would most likely come from Silvio, a five-year-old?
A)"I'm an athlete and enjoy playing baseball, although there are some days when I just can't seem to hit the ball."
B)"My passion is writing scary stories because I can write about being scared and excited at the same time."
C)"I have black hair and dark eyes and a dog named Pierot. I love my dog and my mom and dad and my little sister."
D)"I'm a good friend, but am not the most popular kid at school. I'm not great at writing, but am pretty good at most other things."

Izzy carefully plans how he is going to run away from home. He packs everything he thinks he needs in a backpack, but when he reaches the end of his block he decides to go back because he doesn't want his mom to be sad. This illustrates Erikson's psychosocial state of development called
A)basic trust versus basic mistrust.
B)autonomy versus shame and doubt.
C)initiative versus guilt.
D)industry versus inferiority.

Which child is most likely to grow into adulthood feeling that he is a "bad" person?
A)Avery, who keeps trying new strategies when other things aren't seem to be working
B)Barry, who believes he is dumb and gives up easily when he can't solve a problem
C)Charles, who believes he has to try harder on his next test because he didn't do well this time
D)Dale, who decided to try a different approach to befriend some schoolmates who shunned him

Researchers have found the following differences between boys and girls in the first six years of life:
A)Girls are more sensitive to touch than boys.
B)Girls are less vulnerable than boys and are more likely to survive infancy.
C)As toddlers, boys are more likely than girls to hit, bite, and throw temper tantrums.
D)Boys' intelligence scores are slightly higher than girls'.

Isabel Allende's decision to model herself after her grandfather supports which theory of child development?
B)cognitive development
C)gender schema
D)social cognition

Which child is most likely to exhibit gender stereotyped behavior?
A)Allen, whose parents both work outside the home and both share housework.
B)Bryan, who is being raised by his mother in a single parent household.
C)Craig, whose parents read him books in which boys and girls are friends.
D)Drew, who watches a lot of television.

Cassie is talking to her friends Lonnie and Nell about playing house, as the go about pretending they are "Mom," "Dad," and "Baby." They exchange toys, follow each other around, and when Nancy wants to join them, they finally say "okay." They giggle and seem to be having fun playing with each other. This is an example of Parten's
A)parallel play.
B)associative play.
C)cooperative play.
D)organized supplementary play.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement about the use of punishment?
A)Punishment is an effective way to get children to stop performing unwanted behavior.
B)Children who are punished harshly and frequently may have trouble interpreting other people's actions and words.
C)Corporal punishment has been outlawed in many European countries.
D)The more punishment a child receives, the more aggressive or antisocial the child's behavior becomes.

With respect to disciplining children, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health suggests that parents
A)use the least amount of discipline possible to socialize their children.
B)spank children in moderation and only when no other form of discipline is working.
C)teach children to use words to express their feelings, give them choices, and help them evaluate the consequences of their behavior.
D)ignore a child who is misbehaving.

Within the context of a Euro-American family, which child is most likely to exhibit social competence?
A)Averill, whose parents use an authoritative parenting style
B)Brandon, whose parents use an authoritarian parenting style
C)Calvin, whose parents use a permissive parenting style
D)Dexter, whose parents use a no-nonsense parenting style

Four children were sent home from school with notes to their parents because they disrupted class when they had a substitute teacher. Which parent is most likely to encourage prosocial behavior in her child so that type of behavior won't happen again?
A)Mrs. Jones who said, "Shame on you! Don't ever do that again!"
B)Mrs. Smith, who said, "You're grounded for a month. I don't ever want to get another report like that again!"
C)Mrs. Ross, who said, "Put yourself in the teacher's place. How would you feel if you were treated like that?"
D)Mrs. Fields, who said, "You know what? I did the same thing when I was your age and I turned out just fine. Kids do stuff like that."

Which of the following statements concerning child maltreatment is not correct?
A)Maltreatment may cause children to be either overly aggressive or withdrawn.
B)Emotional maltreatment has been inked to lying, stealing, low self-esteem, criminal activity, and psychological distress.
C)Most abused children become abusive parents.
D)Many abused children are resilient, especially if they have been able to develop attachments to supportive people in their lives.

If 6-year-old Isaac and his 4-year-old brother Gadi have a typical relationship, we would expect them to
A)be affectionate with each other and enjoy each other's companionship.
B)display a great deal of sibling rivalry with each other.
C)exhibit considerably more hostility toward each other than affection.
D)be highly competitive with each other.

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