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Chapter Overview
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A binary tree t is either empty or consists of an element, called the root element, and two distinct binary trees, called the left subtree and right subtree of t. This is a recursive definition, and there are recursive definitions for many of the related terms: height, number of leaves, number of elements, two-tree, full tree, and so on. The interrelationships among some of these terms is given by the binary tree theorem.

For a binary tree t, the external path length of t, written E(t), is the sum of the distances from the root to the leaves of t. A lower bound for comparison-based sorting algorithms can be obtained from the external path length theorem.

There are four commonly used traversals of a binary tree: inOrder (recursively: left subtree, root item, right subtree), postOrder (recursively: left subtree, right subtree, root item), preOrder (recursively: root item, left subtree, right subtree), and breadth-first (that is, starting at the root, level-by-level, and left-to-right at each level).

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