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Modern Sociological Theory, 6/e
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Contemporary Feminist Theory
Modern Sociological Theory

Chapter Outline

I. Basic Theoretical Questions


II. Historical Roots: Feminism and Sociology


III. Varieties of Contemporary Feminist Theory

A. Table: Overview of Varieties of Feminist Theory
B. Gender Difference
1. Cultural Feminism
2. Institutional Roles
3. Existential and Phenomenological Analyses
C. Gender Inequality
1. Liberal Feminism
D. Gender Oppression
1. Psychoanalytic Feminism
2. Radical Feminism
3. Biographical Sketch: Dorothy
E. Smith
E. Structural Oppression
1. Socialist Feminism
2. Intersectionality Theory
3. Biographical Sketch: Patricia Hill Collins
F. Feminism and Postmodernism

IV. A Feminist Sociological Theory

A. A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge
B. The Macro-Social Order
C. The Micro-Social Order
D. Subjectivity

V. Toward an Integrative Theory


VI. Summary