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Critical Thinking Questions
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1. How has relative distance changed over the past 200 years? Why?

2. Has the situation of your campus community changed in the past century? Why or why not?

3. Can you place your campus within a certain region of the country? Which one(s)? Would people outside your area agree? What characteristics are used to make that regional classification?

4. Hypothesize about how a GIS could be used to better understand something about your campus or community. What data layers would you want to include?

5. How many different types of maps can you identify on your campus? List them. Why are different types of maps used in certain situations?

6. Is the population of your community evenly dispersed? Why or why not?

7. Has your mental map of your campus or community changed since you arrived? How?

8. What's the difference between human geography and other social sciences, such as psychology, anthropology, or sociology?

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