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Mastery Quiz
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1Electrical current is
A)the same as electrical charge
B)the charge per unit time
C)the product of charge and time
D)the product of charge and potential difference

2The standard unit for electric current is .

3Ohm's Law, in symbols, is ΔV = .

4The standard unit for resistance is .

5Resistances connected in series all have
A)the same current
B)the same potential difference,
C)different currents
D)the same charge

6Resistances connected in parallel all have
A)the same current
B)the same potential difference
C)different voltages
D)the same charge

7Power supplied by a battery is calculated as
A)the potential difference divided by the current
B)the potential difference times the charge
C)the potential difference times the current
D)the potential difference times the square of the current

8Power dissipated by a resistance may be calculated as
A)the current times the resistance
B)the potential difference divided by the resistance
C)the current times the square of the resistance
D)the square of the current times the resistance

9A voltmeter is always connected in
B)series with the element whose potential difference is to be measured

10The standard unit for electrical power is the .

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