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Absolute cell reference  A cell reference in which a dollar sign ($) precedes both the column and row portions of the cell reference.
Argument list  The collection of cells, cell ranges, and values listed in the comma-separated list between a function's parentheses.
Bottom margin  Area at the bottom of the page between the bottommost portion of the print area and the bottom edge of the page.
Comments  Worksheet cell notes that are particularly helpful to indicate special instructions about the contents or formatting of individual cells.
Error value  Special Excel constant that indicates something is wrong with the formula or one of its components.
Formatting  Process of altering the appearance of data in one or more worksheet cells.
Left margin  Defines the size of the white space between a page's left edge and the leftmost edge of the print area.
Mathematical operator  Symbol that represents an arithmetic operation.
Mixed cell reference  Cell reference in which either the column or the row is never adjusted if the formula containing it is copied to another location.
Precedence order  Determines the order to calculate each part of the formula-which mathematical operators to evaluate first, which to evaluate second, and so on.
Properties dialog box  Contains several text boxes that you can fill in with helpful information including the fields Title, Subject, Author, Manager, Company, Category, Keywords, and Comments.
Relative cell reference  Cell references in formulas that change when Excel copies them to another location.
Right margin  Defines the white space between the print area's rightmost position and the right edge of a printed page.
Source cell(s)  The copied cell(s).
Syntax  Rules governing the way you write Excel functions.
Target cell(s)  Cell or cells to which the contents are copied.
Top margin  Area between the top of page and topmost edge of the print area.

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