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Active sheets  Sheets that are selected.
Alignment  The position of the data relative to the sides of a cell.
Cell border  Format that applies lines of various types to one or more edges of cells (left, right, top, bottom) of the selected cell(s).
Dock (toolbar)  Toolbar adheres to one of the four edges of the window.
Drop shadow  Shadow cast by an object.
Fixed pitch (font)  Every character is the same width.
Floating (toolbar)  Toolbar that can appear anywhere on the work surface.
Font  Combination of typeface and qualities including character size, character pitch, and spacing.
Formatting  Process of altering the appearance of data in one or more worksheet cells.
General (format)  Formatting that aligns numbers on the right side of a cell, aligns text on the left side, indicates negative numbers with a minus sign on the left side of a number, and displays as many digits in a number as a cell's width allows.
Grouping  Joining two objects into one object.
Landscape  Print orientation in which the width is greater than the length.
Pitch  Number of characters per horizontal inch.
Point  Height of characters in a typeface; equal to 1/72 of an inch.
Portrait  Print orientation in which the length is greater than the width.
Proportional (font)  Each character's pitch varies by character.
Selection handles  Small, white squares that appear around an object that is selected.
Text box  Rectangular-shaped drawing object that contains text.
Wrap text  Formatting that continues long text on multiple lines within a cell.

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