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Ascending order  Arranges text values alphabetically from A to Z, arranges numbers from smallest to largest, and arranges dates from earliest to most recent.
Custom sorting series  An ordered list you create to instruct Excel in what order to sort rows containing the list items.
Data fields (pivot table)  Numeric data that appears in the pivot table's central position and is summarized.
Data form  A dialog box displaying one row of a list in text boxes in which you can add, locate, modify, or delete records.
Descending order  Arranges text values alphabetically from Z to A, arranges numbers from largest to smallest, and arranges dates from most recent to earliest.
Exact match criteria  Criteria in which a row's field exactly matches a particular filter value.
Field  Each column of a list of related information describing some characteristic of the object, person, or place.
Filtering  A list displaying only records that match particular criteria and hiding the rows that do not.
Headings row  The list row containing the column headings appearing at the top of the list.
List  A collection of data arranged in columns and rows in which each column displays one particular type of data.
List definition table  A table with column names and their definitions.
Pivot table  An interactive table enabling you quickly to group and summarize large amounts of data.
Primary sort field  The first sort field of multiple sort fields required to reorder a list.
Record  Each row of a list containing the fields that collectively describe a single object, person, or place.
Refresh (pivot table)  Make Excel recalculate the values in the pivot table based on the data list's current values.
Relational operator  Compares two values and the result is either true or false.
Search criteria  Values that the data form should match in specified data form fields.
Secondary sort field  The field used to break ties on a group of matching primary sort field values.
Sort field  The field or fields you use to sort a list.
Sort key  See sort field.
Tie (sort)  Exists when one or more records have the same value for a field.
Wild card character  A special character that stands for zero or more characters.

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