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AutoContent Wizard  A wizard that will create a presentation with suggested content based on a series of questions answered by the user.
Backspace  The keyboard key used to move backwards through text deleting one character to the left of the cursor for each backspace.
Blank presentation  One method of creating a new presentation. When this option is used, the presentation has no background or color selections applied.
Del  The keyboard key used to delete the character to the right of the cursor.
Design template  Templates that contain backgrounds and color selections that can be applied to a new or existing presentation.
Drawing toolbar  The toolbar with tools to draw lines, shapes, and other graphic objects. Typically displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Formatting toolbar  The toolbar with options to format text, graphics, and slides.
Normal view  The view most often used to develop presentations consisting of the Outline, Slide, and Notes panes.
Notes pane  The Normal view pane that allows you to add notes to a slide that will not be seen as part of the presentation. Typically these are printed as speaker's notes.
Outline pane  The Normal view pane that contains the Outline and Slides tabs. It is most often used to enter and edit text.
Redo  A button on the Standard toolbar that will reinstate actions that have been undone. See also Undo.
Screen Tips  Text descriptions of screen elements that appear when the mouse pointer is paused over them.
Slide layout  A pattern of text and media that control what can be entered on a slide. Slide layout is selected from the Slide Layout panel of the Task pane and can be updated at any time.
Slide pane  The pane of Normal view that displays a slide as it will appear during the presentation. Most often used to add and modify media elements of a presentation.
Slide placeholders  Slide placeholders are the areas where text or media can be entered on a slide. Slide layout controls what placeholders are visible on a particular slide.
Slide Show view  The view used to preview a presentation. Each slide fills the screen. No editing is possible in this view.
Slide Sorter view  The view consisting of thumbnails of the presentation. Ideal for reorganizing the slides and adding transitions and animations.
Slides tab  The tab that displays thumbnails of the presentation in the Outline pane of PowerPoint's Normal view.
Standard toolbar  The toolbar that is common to most Windows applications with options to save, print, cut, copy, and paste.
Task pane  A window used to access important tasks conveniently without leaving your document.
Toolbar  A horizontal or vertical ribbon of icons used to accomplish application tasks like save a file, change the font, and adjust paragraph indention.
Undo  A button on the Standard toolbar that will allow you to reverse up to 20 actions. See also Redo.
View  The current view controls what panes and operations can be accomplished. Normal, Slide Sorter, and Slide Show views are each designed to support a specific part of presentation development.
View toolbar  The toolbar used to move between PowerPoint views. Typically displayed at the bottom of the Outline pane in Normal view.

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