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Thorne and Giesen Book Cover
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 4/e
Michael Thorne, Mississippi State University -- Mississippi State
Martin Giesen, Mississippi State University -- Mississippi State


  • Clear and concise. Some of the easier texts err on the side of verbosity: this is written to the point.

  • Student-oriented goals, particularly in teaching the basic vocabulary, procedures, and logic of statistics, as well as improving students’ ability to read and understand the professional literature.

  • Aims for comprehension in two areas, the practical level of use in applied settings, and the intuitive level involving the "feel" for the principles underlying statistical procedures.

  • Proven pedagogy includes, chapter opening vignettes, case studies and research examples; Checking Your Progress feedback exercises; Troubleshooting Your Computations sections for identifying errors; strategically placed summaries; Exercises providing both conceptual and computational review; 5 appendices include an algebraic review among several useful tools. A functional use of second color is added to this edition.