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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an outcome, one's ability to have foreseen how something turned out is known as
A)illusory correlation
B)mundane realism
C)hindsight bias
D)self-fulfilling prophecy

The "I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon" leads to the conclusion that
A)psychological experiments lack experimental realism
B)social psychology is dangerous
C)research findings in social psychology are merely common sense
D)psychological experiments lack mundane realism

Social psychology has been criticized for
A)merely documenting the obvious
B)being dangerous since its findings could be used to manipulate people
C)neither a nor b
D)both a and b

When students were asked to evaluate actual proverbs and their opposites, they rated
A)the proverb as true and its opposite as false
B)the proverb as false and its opposite as true
C)both the proverb and its opposite as false
D)both the proverb and its opposite as true

The hindsight bias may lead us to
A)blame ourselves for stupid mistakes
B)compliment decision makers for wise choices
C)find the outcome of national elections to be surprising
D)see social psychology as potentially dangerous

The hindsight bias may lead psychology students to
A)be surprised by the results of scientific research
B)think they know textbook material better than they do
C)prematurely reject common sense as predictably wrong
D)see their instructors as particularly brilliant

The hindsight bias is most likely to lead us to
A)accept too little responsibility for our past mistakes
B)attribute too much blame to decision makers for their stupid mistakes
C)give too much credit to decision makers for their good choices
D)accept too much credit for our good choices

If psychologists were to find that absence makes the heart grow fonder, this discovery would likely seem obvious and unsurprising to college students because
A)most students have had many personal experiences in which separation from a friend led them to like the friend more
B)they have high respect for psychologists
C)students, like everyone else, have a tendency to exaggerate their ability to have foreseen the outcome of past discoveries
D)this finding is consistent with common sense

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