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Hothersall Book Cover
History of Psychology, 4/e
David Hothersall, Ohio State University

Early Studies of the Central Nervous System

Chapter Outline

Pre-19th Century

  1. Michelangelo
  2. Cabanis

Experimental Investigations of Spinal Cord Functions

  1. Whytt
  2. Magendie
  3. Bell
    1. Bell-Magendie Law

Sensory Physiology

  1. Müller
  2. Helmholtz
    1. Young-Helmhotlz Trichromatic Theory
    2. Speed of the Nervous Impulse
  3. Galvani
  4. Du Bois-Reymond


  1. Gall and Spurzheim
  2. Combe
  3. Fowler and Wells
  4. Failure of Phrenology

Localization of Function

  1. Flourens
    1. Action Proper and Action Commune
  2. Studies of the Human Brain
    1. Phineas P. Gage and John Harlow
  3. Language-The Localization of Speech
    1. Bouillaud and Auburtin
    2. Broca
      1. Broca's Area
    3. Wernicke
      1. Wernicke's Area

Direct Stimulation of the Brain

  1. Fritsch and Hitzig
    1. Primary Motor Area
  2. Ferrier
    1. Visual Cortex and Auditory Cortex
  3. Hughlings-Jackson
  4. Electrical Stimulation of the Human Brain
    1. Bartholow
    2. Brain Stimulation Reinforcement
      1. Pachon and Delmas-Marsalet
      2. Olds and Milner

How the Brain Processes Information

  1. Golgi and Cajal
    1. Reticular Versus Neuron Theories
  2. Lashley
    1. The Engram