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Hothersall Book Cover
History of Psychology, 4/e
David Hothersall, Ohio State University

Gestalt Psychology in Germany and the United States

Chapter Outline

The Conceptual Foundations of Gestalt Psychology

  1. Ernst Mach
  2. Christian von Ehrenfels

Max Wertheimer and the Beginning of Gestalt Psychology

  1. Stroboscope Experiments
  2. Schumann's Tachistoscope
  3. Phi Phenomenon
  4. Four Principles of Gestalt Theory
  5. Tactile Phi Phenomenon
  6. Experimental Studies of the Perception of Movement
  7. Gestalt Principles of Perception
    1. Similarity
    2. Proximity
    3. Closure and Good Gestalts
  8. The Generality of Gestalt Principles
    1. The Zeigarnik Effect
    2. Alpha the Chimpanzee
  9. Illusions and Our Perceptual World
  10. The Fate of Gestalt Psychology in Germany
    1. Rise at Berlin
    2. Dismissal of Jewish Professors
    3. Emigration to United States
  11. Wertheimer and the University of Exile
    1. New School for Social Research
      1. Nontraditional Methods of Teaching

The Insight Learning Experiments of Wolfgang Köhler

  1. Tenerife Island
    1. Intelligent Problem Solving
    2. The Mentality of Apes
    3. Insight Learning
      1. Versus Trial-and-Error Learning

Kurt Lewin and the Application of Gestalt Psychology

  1. Lewin's Early Life
  2. Lewin's Early Writings
    1. The War Landscape
    2. The Principles of Scientific Management
  3. Lewin's Topological Psychology
    1. B=f(P,E)
    2. Environmental Forces
    3. Life Space
  4. Lewin in the United Space
  5. Lewin at the University of Iowa
  6. Lewin's Applied Research
    1. Action Research
    2. World War II
    3. The Commission on Community Interrelations
  7. The Lewin Tradition in Psychology
  8. Gestalt Psychology and Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Psychology in Perspective

Tamara Dembo: A Gestalt Psychologist in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States

  1. Ring-throwing Task
  2. Buytendijk at Groningen
  3. Emigration to United States