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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Marine Biology, 4/e

Peter Castro, California State Polytechnic University
Michael E. Huber, Global Coastal Strategies

ISBN: 0072852909
Copyright year: 2003

New to This Edition


Perhaps the most significant changes in this edition of Marine Biology involve the treatment of microorganisms. We have adopted an increasingly accepted three-domain classification system that considers bacteria and archaea to be as different from each other as they are from eukaryotic organisms. An entire chapter, Chapter 5, is now devoted to microorganisms in recognition of the growing evidence of the importance of these organisms in the ocean. New and updated information on the role of microorganisms and viruses in the marine environment is presented in several other chapters.

As in previous editions we have updated the text to reflect recent events, new research, and changes in perspective. The fourth edition presents new information on phylogenetics, nucleic acid sequencing, molecular adaptations to pressure in deep-sea organisms, the feeding habits of whales, bioturbation, endangered marine species, the global effects of marine pollution and toxic algal blooms on human health, hydrothermal vents, invasive species, and many other topics. The coverage of salt marshes and mangroves, seagrass beds, and competing hypotheses to explain the structure of coral-reef fish communities has been expanded. There are new boxed readings on symbiotic bacteria, the use of nucleic acid sequencing in studying marine life, and the diversity of the deep-sea benthos. As in previous editions we have updated facts and figures, corrected errors, and reorganized some sections to provide more balanced coverage and improve the logical sequence. At the request of several reviewers, we have slightly raised the level of the text while being careful to preserve the informal writing style that our readers tell us they enjoy.

We have continued to improve the art program with many new or revised illustrations and photographs, and the interior design has again been improved to make better use of space and improve readability. The home page for Marine Biology continues to develop and the fourth edition more than previous editions has been written with the opportunities for online learning specifically in mind. The home page can be found at: (click on this book’s cover).

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