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Table of Contents
About the Author
Book Preface
Feature Summary
What's New

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 6/e

Roger S Pressman, R.S. Pressman and Associates

ISBN: 0072853182
Copyright year: 2005

What's New

· NEW! Five new chapters on Web Engineering (Part 3 of the book) present a complete engineering approach for the formulation, planning, analysis, design, and testing of Web Applications.

· NEW! Two new chapters consider requirements engineering and design engineering in detail.

· NEW! A new chapter considers “agile” process models including Extreme Programming and other methods.

· NEW! Extended and updated coverage in many chapters addresses the Unified Process (and UML), the CMMI, software engineering patterns (for process, analysis, design and testing), use-cases, component-level design strategies, OCL, goal-oriented software metrics, project management, SQA, and SCM issues, and many other important topics.

· NEW! The new modular organization allows instructors to use the book for a course that fits their need. Some of emphases supported by this organization are a "e;design course,"e; a "e;survey course,"e; "e;management course,"e; and a "e;web engineering course."e;

· NEW! A running case study has been added to the sixth edition. It applies software engineering concepts to industry situations. The case study is further expanded as part of the SEPA, 6/e Web site.

· NEW! New sidebars have been added to give students additional information on selected topics, suggestions for relevant software tools, and descriptions of workflow for various software engineering tasks.

· NEW! The coverage of UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been significantly enhanced for the sixth edition.

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