Systems Approach
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction, 8/e

Stewart L. Tubbs

ISBN: 0072862475
Copyright year: 2004

Feature Summary

  • Looks at groups as interactive systems in which each participant affects and is, in turn, affected by the other participants.
  • A practical focus ties such concepts as TQM, leadership, negotiating and conflict management, left and right brain creativity, brainstormin, and teamwork to their real-world applications.
  • The text offers strong coverage of leadership, verbal and non-verbal communication, problem solving and decision-making, team building, managing change, and personality.
  • Systematic pedagogy includes practical tips boxes, case studies, exercises, summaries, glossaries, tables, illustrations, bibliographies, and selected readings.
A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction, 8/e

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