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Reflection Questions
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Remember a time when you were treated disrespectfully. What happened? How did you feel? Remember a time when you were treated with respect. What happened? How did you feel? How can you use your own experience to help you treat young children with respect?

How aware are you of the social-emotional nature of the environments where you spend your time? Can you separate the effects of the physical aspects from the social-emotional aspects? What is an example of an environment's social-emotional aspect that has a negative effect on you? A positive effect? How does the social-emotional environment of this classroom affect you? How would you change it, if you could, to create a more positive effect?

Where do you feel most comfortable, safe, happy, and creative today? How much are your feelings a result of the social-emotional environment? Do you have ideas about how the physical and social-emotional environment interact to make you feel "at home"?

Name your culture. If you have difficulties, perhaps you don't think that you have a culture. You do. Everyone has a culture whether they are aware of it or not. Considering that you do have a culture, how do you think that you learned the rules of that culture?

How big a role do you think your culture plays in determining which social-emotional environments make you feel comfortable and at home?

What are your experiences of clashes between "community" and "individuality"? Are the goals of building community entirely compatible with learning to be an individual? Where do individual rights end and community rights begin? What are your ideas, feelings, and experiences on this subject?

Did your parent(s) and/or family of origin have strong independence priorities or stronger interdependence priorities? How do you know? What specific factors in the way you were raised tell you that one or the other was the top priority? Why do you think your parent(s) and/or family had the priorities that they did?

What are your experiences with oppression? What do your experiences lead you to believe about how to work with children to overcome the effects of oppression?

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