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Aquatic Ecosystems: Chemical Cycles

Chapter Summary

   Chemical Cycles in Water and Biogeochemical Cycles
   The Carbon Cycle in Water
Forms of Carbon
Carbon Reservoirs
The CO2, Bicarbonate, Carbonate Equilibrium
pH, Inorganic Carbon Equilibrium, and Photosynthesis
Acid Deposition
The Dark Side of CO2
   The Oxygen Cycle in Water
Forms of Oxygen
Oxygen Reservoirs
Metabolic Adaptations to Low Oxygen Concentrations
   Breathing in Water
   Circulatory Systems
   Behavioral Adaptations to Low Oxygen Concentrations
   The Phosphorus Cycle in Lakes
Forms of Phosphorus
Reservoirs of Phosphorus
Phosphate as a Limiting Nutrient
Luxury Consumption
Limiting Nutrient
Cultural Eutrophication
Environmental Protection
   The Nitrogen Cycle in Water
Forms of Nitrogen
Reservoirs of Nitrogen
Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen Excretion
Ecosystem Manipulations and the Nitrogen Cycle
   Silicon in Water
   Ecological Stoichiometry
   Toxic Chemicals
Heavy Metals in Freshwater Systems
Anthropogenic Organic Chemicals in Freshwater Systems
Ecological Effects of Toxic Chemicals
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
   Clear Lake Example: Bioaccumulation and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance
   Study Guide