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Chapter Outline
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  1. What is a Database?
    1. A database is a collection of information organized according to some structure or purpose.
    2. Database management system software controls the storage and organization of data in a database.
    3. The key terms related to databases are file, record, and field:
      1. A file is collection of information on some subject.
      2. A record contains the information about one entry.
      3. A field exists within a record as a space for specific information to be placed.
    4. Teachers can use database programs to create a parent address/phone list, mail merge document for letters home, classroom inventory, weekly progress report, and classroom management tools.
    5. Students can use database programs to design an opinion survey, dictionary of spelling words, a database based on research skills, and databases for different disciplines.
  2. Advantages of an Electronic Database
    1. A computerized database has many advantages over the traditional file cabinet.
      1. Every database has a method of organization that lets a person retrieve information using some key word.
      2. Information is stored on disk.
      3. The database minimizes redundancy, as the same information is available in different files.
      4. The database user can generate reports, retrieve files almost instantaneously, sort data in a variety of ways, edit, and print information more flexibly and faster than a clerk can.
      5. A user can complete a file search with incomplete information, such as only part of a name.
    2. Databases are used daily in government, occupational, and professional agencies. A database such as the Educational Research Information Clearinghouse (ERIC) is a primary database for teachers.
  3. How a Database Operates
    1. FileMaker Pro provides a quality database for discussion of operation purposes, but the discussion is not a substitute for the software's documentation.
    2. In order to create a database, a teacher creates a field, designs the format or template, and has the record automatically saved. Then the teacher records data for each piece of information, e.g., inventory items, with the option of adding or changing it. When finished, the teacher has a database that holds all the necessary records or up to the number allowed by the storage capacity of the particular database file program.
  4. Functions of a Database
    1. When the database is completed, the teacher can select or retrieve a file and sort the records.
    2. A variety of ways exist for retrieving a record, including retrieving an entire file, only a few field headings, one record in the database, by using more than one criterion.
    3. Boolean operators such as "and," "or, " and "not" allow the user to search for more than one record.
    4. The user can search for a record with data strings, used when the database user wants to search for a record and is not sure how to find it. A data string is a subset of the characters within a field. Typing only the field name with an asterisk is a wild card search that returns any documents that contain that field.
    5. Sorting is the ability to arrange the records in a file, so that the values in a field are sorted in alphabetical, numerical, or chronological order. Any field can be sorted, and sorting is done by field type.
  5. Types of Databases
    1. Today there are not many database programs available for the classroom, and they vary by price and capabilities.
    2. The single-purpose program, primarily used in business, performs database functions exclusively. An example of a standalone program for education is FileMaker Pro. An integrated program that provides capabilities such as telecommunication, charting, word processing, and spreadsheet is AppleWorks.
    3. Database software employs different methods of database organization developed for the computer, including hierarchical, network, HyperCard (Apple), free-form or encyclopedia, relational, and flat-file databases.
      1. The hierarchical database was one of the first methods of database organization developed for the computer.
        1. The majority of operating systems such as DOS, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Macintosh OS use this file system to store data and programs.
        2. Access of the data is done sequentially, as the user starts at the top and proceeds through hierarchical levels.
        3. The user cannot easily locate records in different sections or subgroups of this database, a disadvantage.
        4. The user must completely restructure the hierarchical database each time a new field is added, a disadvantage.
        5. Searching is fast and efficient, as the user searches through specific groups.
      2. The network database works the same way as a hierarchical database, except that a record can belong to more than one main group.
        1. This database is superior to the hierarchical database, because it allows the user access to multiple data sets.
        2. Data can be accessed with speed and through different types of sources.
        3. Every relationship must be predefined, and the addition of any new field requires a complete redefinition.
      3. Free-form or encyclopedia databases let the user access data without specifying data type or size, unlike the structured form of hierarchical and network databases.
        1. The user does not search for data in a field but instead uses a keyword or keywords.
        2. The software then searches all its text entries for matches, which allows for a keyword search.
        3. The main application of the free-form database is the online encyclopedia, with a large collection of information that is subject-oriented and can be searched by categories.
      4. HyperCard is a multimedia program that played an important role in changing the way databases are used in education.
        1. HyperCard was the first program to integrate data organization with graphics.
        2. HyperCard stacks, or linked cards of information, are equivalent to a database.
        3. HyperCard's ability to produce instructional data is a very potent tool.
      5. Relational databases let the user work with more than one file at a time and help with data redundancy.
        1. The relational database links separate files or even entire databases through a common key field such as social security number.
        2. Changes made in one file are automatically reflected in the other files of the record.
        3. A classic example of a relational database is dBase, which is useful for the administration of school and college records.
      6. The flat-file database works with only one data file at a time, with no linking to other data files and no multiple access to data files. This database fulfills the needs of classroom teachers for a simple, straightforward way of entering data.
    4. Databases are being used increasingly in the classroom.
      1. More teachers are using computerized databases to keep track of student records and to store anecdotal comments on students.
      2. Pupils are using prepared databases such as encyclopedias and atlases with vast amounts of searchable information.
      3. The database is a perfect tool for teaching higher-level critical thinking skills.
      4. Many databases on the Internet cover specific academic areas.
      5. Students can use database files they create themselves or files prepared by teachers or software companies.
      6. Teachers can use databases to store student information such as reading levels, learning problems, and birth dates.
      7. Students can use databases for academic assignments, research skills, opinion surveys, and other information.
      8. Using age-level appropriate databases is essential in the classroom.
  6. How to Choose a Database
    1. Selection of a database should be based on such criteria as search ability, ease of adding and changing file data, proper content of prepared databases for students, accurate information, quality of the documentation, and ease of program use. See p. 132 for a Database Checklist.
    2. Popular database programs for schools include FileMaker Pro 2000, AppleWorks, and Microsoft Access.
    3. Choosing a database for the classroom is a six-step evaluation process, considering hardware compatibility, general features, instructional design, ease of use, consumer value, and support.
      1. Hardware compatibility must be considered for memory, speed, storage capacity, and peripherals.
      2. General features include five key aspects.
        1. Sorting is the ability to arrange the records in a different way.
        2. Changing and updating mean that the database can easily change and update a file.
        3. Searching and retrieving are the abilities of the program to look for and locate items. The search procedure should be separate from the add feature, so as not to erase files accidentally.
        4. Deleting and adding features should allow the user to add and delete information easily from a record or field.
        5. The printing feature should produce a neat copy.
      3. Advanced features let the user design the way data will be displayed, perform mathematical calculations on the data, allow for publication of the database on the Web, and merge documents with word processing to produce customized documents. A mail merge function allows the user to place mailing information from a database into a form letter.
      4. A database should require minimum learning time.
        1. A database with a menu bar displayed at the top of the screen is ideal for beginners who do not have to memorize different functions.
        2. A collection of templates allows for quick use of the product.
        3. Flexibility of design means ease and speed of use, with flexibility in changing, adding, and moving information and a searching technique that meets the user's needs.
      5. Ease of use addresses how easy the program is to learn and use.
      6. Consumer value, or cost, can be inexpensive for public domain software or shareware, whereas commercial software is usually expensive. Site license and lab pack costs are other cost considerations.
      7. Support means ease in using the manual, customer service, technical support, and templates.
    4. An annotated list of award-winning database software appears in Appendix A.
    5. Descriptions of lesson plans for different disciplines are found on pp. 135-141.

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