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With the development and refinement of computer technology for creating video animations, the field of visual motion perception has exploded. A wbesite with some terrific demonstrations of motion perception phenomena.

We are remarkably adept at recognizing human activity, even when that activity is portrayed using just a handful of light spots attached to the limbs and torso of the body of an actor. Hard to imagine? Here are several sites with demonstrations of biological motion. Site One, two, three, four and five.

Any time you move about through the environment, you produce optic flow. Researchers study perception of optic flow using computer animations; here are some interactive demonstrations of optic flow.

How do you figure out where someone else is looking? Here are some techniques for measuring gaze position and eye movements.

Motion perception is influenced by the shape of the object in motion. Some demonstrations, crafted by McDermott, Weiss and Adelson, of this shape-motion interaction.

A stationary object appearing within a field of moving objects can disappear from view for several seconds at a time. Called motion-induced blindness, here are demonstrations of this remarkable phenomenon.

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