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Key Terms
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antiphon  a verse sung in response to the text
archivolt  a molded or decorated band around an arch or forming an archlike frame for an opening
bay  a regularly repeated spatial unit of a building; in medieval architecture, a vaulted compartment
counterpoint  a musical technique that involves two or more independent melodies; the term is often used interchangeably with "polyphony"
crocket  a stylized leaf used as a terminal ornament
finial  an ornament, usually pointed and foliated, that tops a spire or pinnacle
gargoyle  a waterspout usually carved in the form of a grotesque figure
gesso  a chalky white plaster used to prepare the surface of a panel for painting
historiated capital  the uppermost member of a column, ornamented with figural scenes
lancet  a narrow window topped with a pointed arch
lintel  a horizontal beam or stone that spans an opening (see Figure 13.10)
motet  a short, polyphonic religious composition based on a sacred text
mullion  the slender, vertical pier dividing the parts of a window, door, or screen
ogee  a pointed arch with an S-shaped curve on each side
organum  the general name for the oldest form of polyphony. In parallel organum, the two voices move exactly parallel to one another; in free organum the second voice moves in contrary motion; melismatic organum involves the use of multiple notes for the individual syllables of the text
polyphony (Greek, "many voices")  a musical texture consisting of two or more lines of melody that are of equal importance
psaltery  a stringed instrument consisting of a flat soundboard and strings that are plucked
quadripartite  consisting of or divided into four parts
refectory  the dining hall of a monastery
reliquary  a container for a sacred relic or relics
requiem  a Mass for the Dead; a solemn chant to honor the dead
rose (from the French roue, "wheel")  a large circular window with stained glass and stone tracery
sequence  a special kind of trope consisting of words added to the melismatic passages of Gregorian chant
sexpartite  consisting of or divided into six parts
tempera  a powdered pigment that produces dry, flat colors
timbre  tone color; the distinctive tone or quality of sound made by a voice or a musical instrument
triforium  in a medieval church, the shallow arcaded passageway above the nave and below the clerestory (see Figure 13.20)
tripartite  consisting of or divided into three parts
trope  an addition of words, music, or both to Gregorian chant
trumeau  the pillar that supports the superstructure of a portal (see Figure 13.10)
tympanum  the semicircular space enclosed by the lintel over a doorway and the arch above it (see Figure 13.10)
voussoir (French, "wedge")  a wedge-shaped block or unit in an arch or vault
westwork(from the German, Westwerk)  the elaborate west end of a Carolingian or Romanesque church

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