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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which is true regarding Christine de' Pizan?
A)She was the first professional woman writer.
B)Her feminism reflected a contemporary interest in providing greater opportunities for women.
C)She argued that woman should not be educated.
D)She rejected the use of allegory in her fact-based prose.
Which of the following cannot be said of "The Dance of Death"?
A)It personified Death as a skeleton or cadaver.
B)It demonstrates the concept of Death as "the great equalizer."
C)It was represented only in the visual arts.
D)It reflects the psychological impact of the Black Death.
In what way does Chaucer's Canterbury Tales differ from Boccaccio's Decameron?
A)Many of the tales are earthy or even ribald.
B)It was written in the vernacular.
C)The author places himself as one of the participants in the frame narrative.
D)The author ridiculed hypocrisy and clerical abuse.
Books of Hours:
A)were guides to private prayer
B)were often illustrated with realistic and homely details
C)extremely popular among those who could afford them
D)all of the above
In general, the arts following the Black Death:
A)went into decline
B)reflected a deeper emphasis on humanity
C)featured a focus on God's destructive and awe-inspiring power
D)denied the importance of emotion
The Black Death did NOT:
A)arrive in Italy by means of commercial vessels
B)destroy one-third to one-half of Europe's population
C)seriously affect the economy
D)bring about the end of the Hundred Years' War
The Great Schism resulted in:
A)the removal of the Papacy from Rome to Avignon
B)efforts at greater unity between church and state
C)widespread church criticism and weakened papal prestige
D)the end of the Hundred Years' War
Ars nova is the name for the:
A)revival of Latin and Greek letters in Italy
B)new use of light and shade among fourteenth-century artists
C)practice of including musical instruments in the liturgy
D)expressive new musical style of the fourteenth century
In Boccaccio's "Tale of Filippa" the defendant of the trial argues that the law on adultery:
A)lacks the provision that the act must be witnessed
B)is unfair to the party outside the marriage contract
C)was passed without the consent of women
D)provides a penalty that is cruel and unusual
The technique that revolutionized Giotto's painting style featured:
A)a new emphasis on line
B)the use of light and shade to model form
C)the introduction of symbolic gestures
D)detailed realism in landscape settings

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