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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following may be seen as the most significant aspect of the "Columbian Exchange"?
A)the introduction of foods such as potatoes, tomatoes and corn to Western Europe
B)the introduction of horses, cattle, chickens and wheat to the Americas
C)the intermixing of disparate peoples and the creation of new cultures
D)the spread of Christianity to new lands
Which did NOT contribute to the conquest of the Aztecs?
A)prophecies that Quetzalcoatl would return as a white man
B)the superior number of Spanish troops
C)support of the Spanish by rebellious Aztec subjects
A primary element in binding together African society:
A)strict monotheism
B)a kinship system that stressed communal well-being
C)a rigid caste system like that of India
D)an elaborate system of roads that linked all parts of Africa
The non-African culture that dominated north Africa prior to 1500 was:
African myths reflect a strong belief in the:
A)intimate relationship between gods and humans
B)authority of a sacrificial hero
C)importance of blood sacrifice
D)power of transcendental gods
NOT a major feature in African music:
A)antiphonal chants
B)percussive vigor
C)polyrhythmic structure
D)lyric harmony
NOT true of the Maya civilization:
A)It closely followed Aztec traditions.
B)It developed an elaborate calendar.
C)It believed in the sanctity of blood sacrifice.
D)It was both theocratic and warlike.
The letter from Cortés reveals that he was deeply critical of Aztec:
A)markets and foods
B)religious practices
C)engineering techniques
D)all of the above

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