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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Theater of the absurd is characterized by:
A)irrational dialogue
B)the rejection of traditional dramatic structures
C)little character development
D)all of the above
Which of the following works does NOT reflect the existentialist interest in the anti-hero?
A)Eliot's Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
B)Beckett's Waiting for Godot
C)Miller's Death of a Salesman
D)Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai
The poetry of Muhammad Iqbal:
A)reflects the poet's pain at the havoc wreaked by World War II
B)represents a Muslim call to separatism
C)underscores the failings of Western moral values
D)is a rejection of Islamic law
Jackson Pollack's "action painting" did NOT:
A)involve spilling, splashing and pouring paint
B)reject the forms of the Renaissance
C)deny the intentions or direction of the artist
D)reflect the influence of Native American healing rituals
Mid-twentieth-century architecture:
A)was epitomized by the work of Saarinen and Wright
B)was informed by the motto "form follows function"
C)often reflected national or ethnic influences
D)was highly individualized
Sartre held that each individual is:
A)born with an essential nature
B)determined by habits learned at childhood
C)the sum of his or her own actions
D)unable to choose between good and evil
Christian existentialists focused upon:
A)whether or not God exists
B)the validity of Scripture
C)the need for ritual in religious life
D)the moral life of individuals
Eliot's "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock":
A)begins with lines from Everyman
B)is not a love song
C)identifies the hero as Hamlet
D)all of the above
Cunningham's choreography was considered radical because it:
A)did not depend on music
B)excluded female dancers
C)required classical ballet shoes
D)employed polyrhythmic music
Who was NOT associated with the movement known as abstract expressionism?
B)de Kooning

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