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Essay Quiz
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Given the degree to which cognitive abilities change during adolescence, discuss whether or not it is reasonable to expect adolescents to make serious decisions and choices about career goals and plans.

Compare and contrast the major theories of cognitive development (Piaget, information-processing, Sternberg, Vygotsky) and evaluate their utility for understanding real-life experiences of adolescents.

If you were asked to serve on a committee to design a new test of intelligence to replace the traditional I.Q. test, how would you define intelligence? Would it be defined using the dimensions of verbal and mathematical abilities, or would you include additional dimensions of intelligence as suggested by Sternberg and Gardner?

Many students often complain that standardized tests do not measure their true ability and shouldn't be used by schools to evaluate their overall intelligence. Given what psychologists like Robbie Case have suggested concerning cognitive development, how could standardized tests be changed to more comprehensively assess cognitive ability? How could these various dimensions of intelligence best be measured? (e.g., interviews? problem solving? performance of actual real-world tasks, etc.).

Given that adolescents are thought to evaluate the consequences of behavior differently than adults, how might a campaign be designed to communicate the risks of health-compromising behaviors (e.g., drug abuse, unprotected sexual relations, high speed driving)?

Steinberg Adolescence 7Online Learning Center

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