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After reading and studying this chapter you should be able to:
  1. Differentiate between latitude and longitude and locate any place on the globe if given its latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates.
  2. Explain the system of time zones and determine the time and day at any point on the earth if given the time at any other point and number of time zones between them.
  3. Understand the theory behind map projections. Differentiate between geometric projections (cylindrical, conic and planar) and those projections derived from mathematical formulae.
  4. Understand the properties of maps and how they are distorted by map projections.
  5. Determine which projection is most suitable for a certain type of map.
  6. Understand scale as a means of representing portions of the earth's surface on a flat map, and differentiate between a large-scale and small-scale map.
  7. Read and interpret map patterns and symbols, including those on a topographic map.
  8. Explain the different types of symbols (points, lines, and areas) used on maps, and what the advantages are of each.
  9. Distinguish among the various forms of remote sensing and explain their purposes.
  10. List and explain the advantages of computer assisted cartography and geographic information systems as means of analyzing and presenting geographic data.

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