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Internet Exercises
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  1. Go to the Population Reference Bureau's homepage at and see if you can answer the following questions using their "World Population Data Sheet":
    1. Which country, India or China, is growing faster? Can you estimate when and if India's population will surpass China's?
    2. What country in the world has the highest total fertility rate?
    3. Which region of the world is growing fastest? Slowest?
    4. Compare the total fertility rate of Israel with that of the Palestinian Territory and other countries in the region. Is there a consequence to these statistics?
    5. What are the highest and lowest life expectancies you can find? What do you think causes the wide variability in these numbers?
    6. What region has the lowest doubling times? What future societal consequences might result from these numbers?
  2. Go to the IDB Population Pyramid site at and answer the following questions.
    1. Look at the year 2000 population pyramid of Qatar. What might explain the strange pattern?
    2. Now look at China's year 2000 population pyramid. Why are there less people in the 15-19 and 20-24 year-old age cohorts?
    3. Staying with China's population pyramid, what is disturbing about the number of men and women throughout all age cohorts?
    4. Finally, pull up Hungary's pyramids for 2000, 2025, and 2050. What does the future hold for Hungary's population?

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