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Chapter 13: Patterns of Inheritance

13.1 Mendel solved the mystery of heredity. (Page 242)

Examine the following sections:
Classical Genetics
2.40 Introduction
Monohybrid Cross
2.41 Introduction
2.42 Genetic Bookkeeping
2.43 Gamete Production
2.44 Punnett Square
2.45 Heterozygous Cross
2.46 General Pattern
2.47 Punnett Square
2.48 Phenotypic Probabilities
2.49 Testcross
Dihybrid Cross
2.50 Introduction
2.51 Genotypes
2.52 Punnett Square
2.53 General Pattern
Early Ideas About Heredity: The Road to Mendel. (Page 242)
Mendel and the Garden Pea. (Page 244)
What Mendel Found. (Page 246)
How Mendel Interpreted His Results. (Page 250)
Mendelian Inheritance Is Not Always Easy to Analyze. (Page 255)

13.2 Human genetics follows Mendelian principles. (Page 259)

Examine the following sections:
Beyond Mendel
2.54 Introduction
2.55 Codominance
2.56 Blood Type
2.57 Blood Groupings
2.58 Phenotypic Traits
2.59 Dominant Alleles
2.60 Gene Express
2.61 Allele Frequency Stimulation
Most Gene Disorders Are Rare. (Page 259)
Multiple Alleles: The ABO Blood Groups. (Page 260)
Patterns of Inheritance Can Be Deduced from Pedigrees. (Page 261)
Gene Disorders Can Be Due to Simple Alternations of Proteins. (Page 262)
Some Defects May Soon Be Curable: Gene Therapy. (Page 263)
More Promising Vectors. (Page 264)

13.3 Genes are on chromosomes. (Page 265)

Examine the following sections:
2.63 Introduction
Sex Chromosomes
2.64 Introduction
2.65 Packaging of DNA
2.66 Inversion Heterozygote
2.67 F', Hrf Formation
2.68 Determination of Sex
2.69 Sex-linked Genes
2.70 Sex-linked Traits
2.71 Punnett Square
2.72 Punnett Square
2.73 Disease-related Genes
2.74 Cytogenetics: Karyotypes
2.75 Cytogenetics: FISH
Abnormal Chromosomes
2.76 Cytogenetics: Map a Disease Game
2.77 Chromosome Abnormalities
2.78 Nondisjunction
2.79 Extra or Missing Chromosomes
2.80 Down Syndrome
2.81 Chromosomal Abnormalities
2.82 Prenatal Screening
Chromosomes: The Vehicles of Mendelian Inheritance. (Page 265)
Genetic Recombination. (Page 267)
Human Chromosomes. (Page 270)
Human Abnormalities Due to Alterations in Chromosome Number. (Page 272)
Genetic Counseling. (Page 274)

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