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Chapter 41: Plant Reproduction

41.1 The environment influences reproduction. (Page 832)

Examine the following sections:
Plants/Plant Response/Hormones
7.77 Photoperiodism
Plants/Plant Response/Photoperiod
7.79 Introduction
7.80 Flowering
7.81 Day Length
7.82 Dark Period
7.83 Phytochrome
7.84 Seasonal Change
Plants Undergo Metamorphosis. (Page 832)
Pathways Leading to Flower Production. (Page 834)
Identity Genes and the Formation of Floral Meristems and Floral Organs. (Page 838)

41.2 Flowers are highly evolved for reproduction. (Page 840)

Examine the following sections:
5.116 Flower Parts
5.117 Monocots, Dicots
5.118 Families of Plants
5.119 Crops
5.120 Life Cycle
5.121 Flower Parts
5.122 Flower Parts
5.123 Ovules
Diversity/Plants/Gamete Formations
5.124 Male Gamete
5.125 Female Gamete
5.126 Pollination
5.127 Double Fertilization
5.128 Life Cycle
Evolution of the Flower. (Page 840)
Formation of Angiosperm Gametes. (Page 842)
Pollination. (Page 844)
Self-Pollination. (Page 846)
Fertilization. (Page 848)

41.3 Many plants can clone themselves by asexual reproduction. (Page 849)

Examine the following sections:
Diversity/Plants/Asexual Reproduction
5.86 Meristem
5.87 Rhizomes
5.88 Cloning Plants
Asexual Reproduction. (Page 849)
Plant Tissue Culture. (Page 850)

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