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Which of the following techniques has recently aided the study of receptor proteins?
A)protein purification
B)monoclonal antibodies
C)isolation of cell signal molecules
D)all of these
Which of the following describes autocrine signaling?
A)Signal molecules released by cells diffuse through the extracellular fluid to other cells.
B)Signal molecules enter the organism's circulatory system and travel throughout the body.
C)Signal molecules are released from a cell and bind to receptors on its own plasma membrane.
D)Signal molecules are released into a narrow space between cells called a synapse.
Intracellular receptors usually bind
A)water-soluble signals.
B)large molecules that act as signals.
C)signals on the cell surface.
D)lipid-soluble signals.
Which of the following is not a type of cell surface receptor?
A)chemically gated ion channels
B)intracellular receptors
C)enzymic receptors
D)G-protein-linked receptors
Which of the following is not a second messenger?
A)adenylyl cyclase
B)cyclic adenosine monophosphate
C)calcium ions
The amplification of a cellular signal requires all but which of the following?
A)a second messenger
C)a signal molecule
D)a cascade of protein kinases
MHC proteins are
A)molecules that determine a person's blood type.
B)large molecules that pass through the membrane many times.
C)identity markers present on the surface of an individual's cells.
D)different for each type of tissue in the body.
Sheets of cells are formed from which type of cell junctions?
A)tight junctions
B)anchoring junctions
C)communication junctions
D)none of these
Cadherin can be found in which of the following?
A)tight junctions
B)anchoring junctions
C)communication junctions
D)adherens junctions
Plasmodesmata are a type of
A)gap junction.
B)anchoring junction.
C)communicating junction.
D)tight junction.

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