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Mental Measurements Yearbook
The web site of the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, which publishes the Mental Measurements Yearbook, with extensive description andd evaluation of tests in many areas. You can learn more about tests in such areas as intelligence, achievement, personality, and careers.
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Psychological Tests
The American Psychological Association's web site that answers frequently asked questions about psychological tests, such as how to find information about a particular type of test.
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Reliability and Validity
Detailed discussion of these two important concepts in psychological testing.
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Alfred Binet
Provides a biography of Binet and applications of his theory of intelligence.
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Interview with Howard Gardner
Gardner talks about multiple intelligences and their applications to children's education.
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Multiple Intelligences
Links to many sites where information about Gardner's multiple intelligences can be found.
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Sternberg's Theory
Consists of an article ("What is ësuccessful' intelligence?") written by Sternberg. Discusses educational applications of his theory.
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The Bell Curve
An interview with cognitive psychologist Robert Sternberg that reveals his criticisms of The Bell Curve.
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Cultural Biases and Testing
The Search ERIC Database web site. Type in the words "cultural bias and testing" and you will be able to examine a wide range of articles on the topic.
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Mental Retardation
The web site of the American Association on Mental Retardation that includes information about special education, research, and family services.
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Gifted Children Links
Internet connections to a wide range of information about children who are gifted, including the National Center on the Gifted and Talented; ERIC Selected Sites on Gifted Education; Kent State's gifted education resources for teachers; distance learning programs offered by Stanford; Duke; and Johns Hopkins; and summer programs.
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Gifted Children and Education
Ellen Winner, an expert on gifted children, describes their miseducation.
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Teresa Amabile's Research
Teresa Amabile's web site that includes description of her research and publications on creativity.
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Csikszentmihalyi's book, Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life is described, his ideas about flow provide insights about creativity.
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Harvard Project Zero
Project Zero's mission is to enhance learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts and other disciplines; this web site describes the Project's current directions and research, which include creativity and leadership, art works for schools, a visual thinking curriculum, an education and arts project, and Arts PROPEL, which involves an integration of teaching assessment.
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