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Internet Exercises
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Put together a presentation on what critical thinking and reasoning involve. Check out and familiarize yourself with various parts of an argument. Then, test yourself and others with the exercises from the various areas. It should be interesting and a lot of fun!


What aspects of bilingualism interest you? How children acquire multiple languages?
The implications of being bilingual? Maybe you are concerned with the sociocultural issues related to bilingualism in our country. Read up on your particular areas of interest by finding numerous resources at


Read the transcript at Answer the following questions:

  • What do you think really defines language? Is it something innately human or can it be considered a possibility for animals?
  • Given what you read, what do you think the connection between language and thought is?
  • What might be the implications and applications of the findings presented in the transcript?
  • What are your personal reactions and conclusions to the notion of animal language? Be sure to differentiate between language and communication.

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