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Animation: Membrane-Bound Receptors, G Proteins, and Ca2+ Channels
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View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.

1The alpha subunit of the G-protein is activated by...
A)separating from the gamma and beta subunits.
B)the G-protein changing conformation.
C)binding to the calcium ions.
D)replacing the GDP with GTP.
E)replacing the GTP with GDP.

2The activated alpha subunit then binds to...
A)the calcium ion channel.
B)the calcium ions.
C)the gamma and beta subunits.

3As a result...
A)the calcium channel opens and calcium ions leave the cell.
B)the calcium channel opens and calcium ions enter the cell.
C)the calcium channel closes.
D)the calcium ions bind to calmodulin.
E)the calcium ions bind to the ligand receptor site.

4The G-protein changes conformation when the GTP replaces the GDP on the alpha subunit.

5The combination of the calcium and the calmodulin produces the response of the cell to the ligand.

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Home > Chapter 10 > Animation: Membrane-Bound Receptors, G Proteins, and Ca2+ Channels