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The Chemical Basis of Life

Basic Chemistry
1. Define matter, mass, and weight.
2. Define element and atom.
3. Name the subatomic particles of an atom, and describe how they are organized.
4. Describe two types of chemical bonds.
5. Define hydrogen bond, and explain its importance.
6. Distinguish between a molecule and a compound.
7. Describe the process of dissociation.
Chemical Reactions
8. Using symbols, explain synthesis, decomposition, and exchange reactions.
9. Explain how reversible reactions produce chemical equilibrium.
10. Distinguish between chemical reactions that release or take in energy.
11. List the factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.
Acids and Bases
12. Describe the pH scale and its relationship to acidity and alkalinity.
13. Explain why buffers are important.
Inorganic Chemistry
14. Distinguish between inorganic and organic molecules.
15. State the importance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water for living organisms.
Organic Chemistry
16. Describe four important types of organic molecules and their functions.
17. Explain how enzymes work.

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