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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following questions is least likely to be asked while studying metaphysics?
A)Are there truths about the universe that humans are incapable of understanding?
B)Do physical objects actually exist beyond our perceptions of them?
C)Do humans have free will?
D)What is the difference, if any, between a mind and a brain?

Which of the following questions is least likely to be asked while studying epistemology?
A)How do we know if a statement is true or false?
B)Are there truths about the universe that humans are incapable of understanding?
C)What is the fundamental difference between fact and opinion?
D)Do humans have free will?

What were the official charges brought against Socrates?
A)teaching about gods not recognized by the state and shirking his military responsibilities
B)corrupting the youth and charging exorbitant fees for his teaching
C)corrupting the youth and teaching about gods not recognized by the state
D)shirking his military responsibilities and charging exorbitant fees for his teaching

In employing his philosophical method Socrates typically engaged in which of the following activities?
A)asking his companion for the definition of a key concept
B)professing ignorance, claiming not to have an adequate definition himself
C)exposing the weaknesses of proposed definitions
D)all of the above

Which of the following is the best definition of a reductio ad absurdum argument?
A)an argument that is self-contradictory
B)an argument that shows how an opponent's position leads to a contradiction
C)an argument that is invalid but that is worded in a way that makes it seem conclusive
D)an argument that trades on using two different meanings of the same word

Which of the following was not one of Socrates' central teachings?
A)A good person cannot be harmed by others
B)We can never have knowledge because there is no such thing as objective truth
C)The unexamined life is not worth living
D)The most important task in life is caring for the soul (the real person).

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave what does the liberated prisoner do?
A)He climbs out of the cave and never returns
B)He climbs out of the cave and then returns to the other prisoners who eagerly accept his reports about the outside world
C)He climbs out of the cave and then returns to the other prisoners who ridicule him and say he has ruined his eyesight
D)He tries to climb out of the cave but gives up because it's too difficult.

Which of the following statements is self-referentially inconsistent?
A)Socrates was a sophist.
B)God determines everything that happens even though human beings have free will
C)A bachelor is a married male
D)All opinions are false.

Which of the following is not a premise indicator
D)given that

What's the best label for an inductive argument in which all the premises are true and in which the premises make the conclusion highly probable?

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