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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Assuming you want to go out to see a movie, which of the situations below exhibits a lack of circumstantial freedom to do so?
A)being locked in jail
B)having a man with a gun order you to do something else
C)being lost in the jungle with no access to a movie theater
D)all of the above

When considering the question of free will, which of the following best describes the difference between a hard determinist and a libertarian?
A)A libertarian argues against both metaphysical and circumstantial freedom, while a hard determinist argues only against metaphysical freedom.
B)A hard determinist argues against both metaphysical and circumstantial freedom, while a libertarian argues only against metaphysical freedom.
C)A hard determinist does not believe in metaphysical freedom, while a libertarian does.
D)A hard determinist believes in metaphysical freedom, while a libertarian does not.

If you believe in incompatibilism it's logically consistent for you also to believe in
B)hard determinism
D)all of the above

On what point do libertarians and compatibilists agree?
A)We are determined.
B)If we are determined, then we lack the freedom necessary to be morally responsible.
C)We are morally responsible.
D)None of the above

On what point do hard determinists and libertarians agree?
A)We are determined.
B)If we are determined, then we lack the freedom necessary to be morally responsible.
C)We are morally responsible.
D)None of the above

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