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Which of the argument forms below is not typically associated with the teleological argument?
A)argument from analogy
B)inference to the best explanation
C)probabilistic argument
D)reductio ad absurdum argument

In arguing for the existence of God, Paley employs an analogy in which he compares the universe to
A)a compass
B)a watch
C)a stone
D)a horseless carriage

The teleological argument claims that the existence of God is needed to account for
A)the apparent design in the universe
B)the objectivity of our fundamental ethical principles
C)the existence of an observable series of causes and effects
D)the existence of contingent beings

Which of the following figures is well known as a severe critic of the argument from design?

Which of the claims below is not an objection made by Philo (a character in Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion) to the argument from design?
A)Even if we accept the basic structure of the design argument, it wouldn't license belief in an infinite, perfect, omniscient God but only belief in a much more limited creator.
B)The great differences between human artifacts and the universe make the analogy between the two weak.
C)Although the notion of an infinite regress of causes is puzzling, it's not logically incoherent.
D)It's problematic to reason from the part to the whole.

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